Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Child Abuse

“Almost five children die everyday as a result of child abuse. More than three out of four are under the age of 4,” (Childhelp, 2010).

Child abuse is a very serious issue in today’s society and it is impacting more and more children as the years pass. There are four major types of abuse:

Physical: This type of abuse goes beyond spanking a child to discipline them. The caregiver may be angry and harm or injure the child. If the child lives in fear, it is not discipline; it is abuse.
Emotional: When a caregiver emotionally abuses a child, they make them feel sad and worthless. They are generally very critical of the child and they are always saying things that make them feel bad about themselves.
Sexual: Sexual abuse is when a caregiver exposes a child to sexual situations or materials. The abuser is usually someone the child knows and they make the child feel ashamed and guilty, so they do not expose the secret.
Neglect: This is when a caregiver fails to provide for a child’s basic needs (food, hygiene, clothing, or supervision).

In some cases, the caregiver has a substance abuse or mental health issue and this greatly impacts their ability to adequately raise their children. The caregiver may also have been abused in their own life, so they may not know any other way to treat their children. Child abuse may not always be easy to detect, but it is best to trust your instincts if you think it is happening to someone you know; you could be saving a child’s life. Abuse takes a psychological toll on children later in their life, and in many cases, the harm is irreversible. Additionally, if a child confides in you, you should take their words to heart and take them seriously. Children depend on their caregivers to teach and protect them, but when their caregivers fail to do so, someone else should be there to save them.

National Child Abuse Statistics:
Child Abuse and Neglect:

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For more information visit:

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