Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Workplace Bullying

What exactly is bullying? It is classified as repeated, harmful treatment that is costly to all of the people involved; bullying typically includes verbal abuse and threatening actions. In the workplace, bullying is slightly different, as more factors come into play.

Bullying is not interpersonal conflict. (Conflict and bullying are two entirely different situations that arise). Bullying is also not harassment and does not mean creating a hostile work environment.

3 types of workplace bullying include:
•Aggressive communication (anger, yelling, insults, etc).
•Acts aimed at humiliation (purposely embarrassing other employees).
•Manipulation of work (Examples: unmanageable workloads, purposely withholding important information, changing tasks without notice, etc.)

Statistics involving workplace bullying:
•30-50% of workers are bullied
•On average, a bully wastes $180 million in lost time and productivity
•Targets are usually bullied for 6 months – 5 years. (On average the target usually leaves after two years).
•53% of targets filed a complaint about being bullied in their workplace
44% of employers did nothing
18% of employers made the problem worse

Bullying at work can create a wide variety of issues for the people who are involved. Instances of depression, anxiety, and absenteeism tend to rise. Components such as work quality, loyalty, customer satisfaction, communication, and ability to meet goals tend to decrease. Overall, bullying can greatly impact a work force and the ability of workers to successfully complete their job.

How can we help?
Targets should document facts about what is happening to them at work. They should approach their supervisor and/or human resource department with these facts and try to end the bullying. It is important to take these grievances seriously and strive to end bullying in the workplace.

Bullying is something that should not be able to make its way into any workplace environment. However, if it does, it should be acknowledged and treated seriously to ensure that people do not resent coming to work every day. It is also important to note that a happy employee generally helps to create a pleasant work environment and a more successful business.

For more information visit:

EAPA Presentation- Seeking Civility: Understanding & Eradicating Bullying at Work

Friday, February 11, 2011


What is Vivitrol used for?
•Treating alcohol dependence
•To prevent relapse to opioid dependence and other street drugs (after detoxification)

*It is important to note that Vivitrol will be most effective when combined with other alcoholism or drug recovery programs.

How does it work?

Vivitrol comes as a Naltrexone injection in liquid form. It is injected into the muscle tissue of the buttocks by a healthcare provider once every four weeks. It is important to keep the appointments that are made over these time periods."It is believed that VIVITROL works by providing continuous levels of its active ingredient naltrexone. Naltrexone blocks activity in the brain's reward system (the "limbic system") which is thought to play a central role in alcohol dependence"

What are the risks?
•Severe reactions at the injection site
•Liver damage or hepatitis
•Risk of opioid overdose (using opioids in amounts that you used before treatment with VIVITROL can lead to overdose and death)
•Severe allergic pneumonia
•Serious allergic reactions
•And many other less severe reactions including: anxiety, nausea, coughing, hives, chest pain, stomach pain, and dry mouth

Vivitrol is a relatively new drug so there are added risks. However, it has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration and has been studied in individuals 18 and older. Although many of the risks are very severe, this treatment may make the recovery process easier for those that choose to receive it. Relapse is a very serious problem that people face with addiction and being able to help avoid it is an idea way ahead of its time. It seems too good to be true, but since technology has advanced, it seems to be worth giving it a shot. Vivitrol offers an answer to people struggling with addiction when they wonder: how am I going to get through this? It may be all the help we need.

For more information visit:


Friday, November 12, 2010

What is K2?

A new drug is emerging, that has recently been coined “fake pot” and is growing in popularity among teenagers. It is generally sold as incense or potpourri and is currently legal in the United States. It is made up of herbal and spice plant products, but is sprayed with a psychotropic drug and produces similar results to the chemical THC in marijuana.
K2 is usually smoked and the active ingredient is about 10 times greater than in THC. This means that you can smoke a lot less to get just as high, which is part of the appeal to young people.

Many people think that marijuana use is harmless, but people are finding out that, although similar, K2 has many more dangerous effects. Research has shown that use can cause hallucinations and delusions, as well as increased agitation, elevated blood pressure, and an increase in heart rate. These responses are not typical of marijuana use and seem to imply that the use of K2 is more serious.

Additionally, K2 can not be identified in drug tests and it’s becoming a cause of concern for employers. Different states are beginning to question its legality as well and some have even banned usage altogether. Research is lacking on the long term effects of using K2 because it has only recently been brought to the public’s attention. However, the disclaimer reads “not for human consumption” and it is predicted that long term use of K2 will prove to be very dangerous, and maybe even fatal.

For more information visit:

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Effects of Methamphetamine (Meth)

Meth is a drug that has become increasingly popular over the years; however, its effects on the body and brain are far worse than that of many other drugs. Many users say they crave the high because it gives them a great sense of pleasure followed by feelings of euphoria. These results may also be experienced with “increased energy, focus, confidence, sexual prowess and feelings of desirability” (

Meth & the Brain:
•Prolonged use destroys dopamine receptors (which create the feeling of pleasure in the brain)
•Can also lead to psychotic behaviors, including paranoia, insomnia, delusions, hallucinations, and even death

Meth & the Body:
•Destroys tissues and blood vessels, leaving the body incapable of repairing itself as it usually would
•The skin is damaged; sores do not heal as quickly and acne may appear, in many cases making the person look years older.
•May result in tooth decay or loss

“Meth mouth" is characterized by broken, discolored and rotting teeth. (

Meth & Sex:
•Impairs judgment while heightening the libido, leaving individuals more likely to engage in risky behaviors
•Many users take more than one drug at a time, which increases the chances of contracting different STD’s

Other Effects of Meth:
•Liver damage
•Increased heart rate
•Lowered resistance to illness

Meth is highly addictive and can change a person’s life in as little as one use. Meth alters the body both inside and out, and in many cases the damages are irreversible.

For more information visit:


Image from: Partnership for a Drug Free America

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Benefits of EAP Programs

An EAP program is originally designed to “enhance employee and workplace effectiveness through prevention, identification and resolution of personal and productivity issues.” What this means is that Employee Assistance Professionals (EAP’s) are hired to help assist employees in obtaining treatment if they need it, in part to enhance the efficiency of the company’s workforce.

Some benefits of these programs include:
Fewer accidents and less absenteeism.“Companies that utilize EAP services report 21% lower absenteeism and 14% greater productivity than other companies"
Help lessen healthcare costs due to stress related illnesses. “Collectively claims for depression, stress and anxiety cost U.S. employers an estimated $344 billion each year due to lost productivity, disability claims and medical fees.”
Reduce uses of inappropriate and costly treatments. “In the last two years, 27% of adults have seen a mental health professional for therapy or taken a prescription medication for a personal, emotional or mental health problem. 80% of those who received treatment found it effective.”
Improve morale of employees. “One-fourth of employees view their jobs as the number one stressor in their lives.”
Maintain strong employees and lessen employee turnover. “The estimated costs to replace an employee range from 30% of an employee’s annual salary for entry level and unskilled workers to five times the annual salary for executives.”

EAP programs work to increase the effectiveness of any workforce. In many cases, people need treatment for problems that are occurring in their lives and EAP’s help to assist these individuals. Unfortunately a person’s life at home can greatly impact the way they perform at work, and using EAP services is one way to both help the employee, and keep the company’s workforce strong.

For more information visit:

Quotes taken from:
Workplace Solutions:

Other Sources:
Benefits of an EAP:

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse is an issue that has become more serious as the years have passed. It doesn’t discriminate between age, gender, sexual orientation, race, socioeconomic status, or anything else; it can happen to anyone. Abuse can come in many different forms: physical, psychological, emotional, and sexual abuse are the most common.

Physical abuse can vary in its levels of intensity. It can be a scratch, bruise, burn or something else that has caused someone physical pain. It’s usually somewhat easy to detect if marks are left behind, but frequently, abusers strike their victims in places that are easily hidden by clothing. It is important to keep notice if someone seems afraid of their partner and seems to have a lot of accidents.

Psychological and emotional abuse are similar in that they both affect the victim’s mental well being. The abuser may isolate their victim from their loved ones, try to control many aspects of their life, and attack their self esteem by calling them names or making them feel worthless. This puts the victim in a state that makes them feel trapped and helpless in the abuser’s world.

Sexual abuse can be more harmful than any other abuse because it may leave both physical and emotional scars. If any type of sexual act is performed against someone’s will, it is considered abuse, and sometimes even rape, and can leave an individual damaged for the rest of their life.

Helping people that end up in a domestic abuse situation can be very difficult. Abusers can be very dangerous and it is important to keep that in mind when handling the situation. People that are victims of domestic abuse should develop a safe escape plan (including a packed bag and a safe place to go), as well as reach out to people that they trust. In any situation, it is important to be careful and precise.

It is estimated that a woman is beaten every 15 seconds and unfortunately people continue to be affected by domestic abuse every day. People are raising awareness across the world, and hopefully the future generations will see fewer victims.

For more information visit:


Image from:

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA's)

Children that grow up in a family where alcoholism is present tend to develop differently than children that are raised in an “average” household. They are not sure what to expect from their alcoholic parent and they learn to live in a world where chaos and confusion are normal. These ACOA’s eventually develop patterns of survival skills to cope with their unstable lifestyles, and these habits create issues in adulthood.

There are a few common characteristics of ACOA’s:

1.They are extremely fearful of losing control in their lives. This fear impacts their relationships with other people, as well as themselves. They generally like to be in control, and to avoid vulnerability, and these tendencies greatly affect how they live their lives.

2.They usually have issues with trust as well. “Repeatedly told to ignore the obvious, deny their own feelings, and distrust the accuracy of their own perceptions, ACOA's eventually begin to distrust not only other people but their own feelings and senses as well.”

3.They often feel uncomfortable expressing their own feelings. When they were younger, their feelings were probably met with disapproval and that teaches them that it is safer to keep their thoughts and emotions to themselves.

4.They often become over-responsible and strive for perfection. They may set very high standards for themselves, and be overly critical if they fail to meet them. When they were younger, they may have blamed themselves for the alcoholic’s problems and the yearning to make things better may never go away.

5.They generally avoid taking care of themselves and spend their time caring for other people instead. They may consider satisfying their emotional needs as being weak or vulnerable, so they tend to avoid them altogether.

ACOA’s may also fear abandonment, be more prone to compulsive behaviors, and/or struggle maintaining intimate relationships.

Unfortunately, what ACOA’s come to learn is that alcoholism (and other types of addiction) affect more than just the person addicted; it is a disease that can have everlasting affects on all of the people surrounding it.

For more information visit:


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