Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (also known as PTSD) can occur after a person has witnessed or experienced a traumatic event.
These events can include:

•Violent attacks (such as rape, abuse, or assault)
•Serious and sudden accidents (such as a car accident)
•Natural disasters (flood, hurricane, etc)
•Death of a loved one
•And other life changing events

It is natural for people to feel upset or anxious after such an event has occurred, but if the symptoms continue for more than a month without seeming to get better, the individual may have PTSD. These people may distance themselves from friends and family, become depressed, turn to drugs or alcohol, have nightmares or problems sleeping, and/or think about the event regularly. For some, these thoughts are overwhelming and can consume much of their life.

The onset of PTSD usually occurs soon after the traumatic event has occurred. However, it is possible that people will feel the effects of it years down the road. There are medications to help people diagnosed with this condition, but many professionals believe that therapy is a stronger, more long-term solution. It may help the person open up about their experiences and learn to think about life in a different way.

PTSD is a very serious condition that goes beyond people that go away to war. It is affecting more and more people, and treatment is readily available to those who seek it out.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: 1372-4D20-C8E6CFE1B56A38AB>
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Overview: <


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